of a rainbow. Cross sections of bows of different
colours from 0.7 mm diameter raindrops. The bow actually
seen (lower section) is the sum* of
all the individual coloured bows. Compare with the classical
from large raindrops. |
The purples, pinks and greens of supernumeraries are complex mixtures.
In the example, the first violet band at 40.6º is made from blues
of the main primary bow plus reds and yellows of the first supernumerary.
The second violet band comes from primary bow violet with some reds
from a second supernumerary. The greens are very desaturated and owe
much of their apparent colour to contrast with the adjacent pinks
and purples.
* |
bows were calculated by AirySim
using Airy theory, spherical monodisperse drops and convolution over
the solar disc. The composite bow colour intensities were weighted
by the spectral intensity distribution of sunlight at the earth's
surface. |