halo ray path through a poorly aligned
hexagonal prism crystal. Rays pass through faces inclined at 60°
to each other. The poor orientations form the circular
halo. |
are deflected through many different angles. Mouse over the slider
to see how the refraction changes as the crystal rotates *.
Find the minimum deflection of 21.7º for red light. This occurs
when the refraction at each face is the same and the inner ray is
parallel to the intermediate crystal face.
Rock the crystal back and forth around this position ~ notice how
many rotational positions produce deflections close to the minimum.
These rays all contribute to the halo's bright inner region. |
Ray deflections
Rays passing through two prism side faces inclined 60° to each
other are deflected through angles from 22° up to 50°. |

The 22º halo extends from 22º out to 50º - a disk
with a hole - but it is brightest at the inner edge
deviation |
rays are deflected through angles near to 22° to form the bright
inner edge of the halo.
This is a common "minimum deviation" effect which
operates in halo and rainbow
formation. Rays cluster together near to the angle where they are
deviated least**.
Minimum deviation rays are symmetrical, they enter and leave the crystal
at the same angle and the ray crossing inside the crystal is parallel
to a prism face.
Rays deviated more strongly produce the outer halo light which fades
away with increasing angular distance from the sun until it is undetectable. |
No light
inside 22º |
No light is refracted through smaller angles and so the area inside
the halo is dark - a 'hole in the sky'. |
Origin of
colours |
Red light is refracted less strongly than other colours and so the
halo's inner edge is red hued sometimes tapering away through oranges
and yellows to blue. All but red are indistinct and washed out because
they overlap considerably. |
Crystal shapes
The actual crystal shapes responsible for the halo are uncertain.
As crystals drift downwards in clouds the drag forces tending to align
them are strong. It is difficult to explain how ordinary plates or
long columns could be so poorly oriented to be able to form this halo.
Intermediate length equidimensional prisms would more likely be poorly
oriented but they are not very common. They are not found in any great
numbers when crystals are sampled during halo displays.
Large imperfect columns and/or clusters of columns might produce most
everyday 22° halos, suggests Walter Tape.
However, the crystals responsible for the finest and most colourful
22° halos are still not positively known. The most common of the
halos is perhaps the least understood! |

Column clusters
Photo ©Walter Tape,
shown with permission |
* |
The diagram is accurately computed for rays of 650nm wavelength (red)
and 400 nm (purple) passing through an ice crystal.
At each surface a ray splits into partially reflected and partially
refracted rays. The exact split depends on the angle of incidence.
For clarity the diagram shows only the components contributing to
the 22º halo. |
** |
are other factors. The fraction of the ray transmitted depends on
the angle of incidence. The width the beam which can pass through
the crystal is also greatest at the angle of minimum deviation. However,
the largest effect is that the rate of change of deflection with prism
rotation is smallest at the minimum deviation angle - thus more rays
concentrate there. |
rays pass undeflected through opposite faces of the prism but they
are, of course, indistinguishable from the sun's glare. |
"Atmospheric Halos" by Walter Tape. |