The soul of all scenery by Stanley Gedzelman
Download this free book by Stan Gedzelman. ?Stan is a distinguished expert in meteorology and atmospheric optics with a profound interest in art. He examines the portrayal of skies from prehistoric cave paintings to modern day through the eyes of meteorology and science rather than the conventional approaches of art historians. Scientific explanation lace the book and individual artworks are often paired with images of comparable skies.?From prehistoric paintings? Stan shows that we can search long and hard for a sky (other than a hard vacuum betwixt sun and earth) in paintings up to perhaps late Greek and Roman times. Have art historians noticed? For example, Ancient Egyptians had a hieroglyph for �the heavens above� but not it seems for a cloud or a halo. Their scenes of hunting or luxuriant marsh life lack clouds. Yet their climate was more humid than now and both certainly occurred in their skies. Stan�s reasons this nephological neglect give pause for thought.
